David Edem Dotse, author of “On the Edge”
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was born in Accra, Ghana. I’m a recent Computer Science graduate from Ashesi. I’m an occasional blogger and contributor to blogs.
Q. How did you start writing?
Writing is something I have done since childhood. However, I was inspired by a close friend, and a myriad of experiences, to take up serious writing in the summer of 2012.
Q. Tell us, what inspires you?
Everyday Ghanaian life, snippets of conversation in a tro-tro, that kind of thing. Of course, experience. I try to take ordinary stories and flip them, tell them from a different angle.
Q .Who are your major influences?
My single biggest literary influence is George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. However, most of my influences come from cinema, particularly the work of Hollywood filmmakers Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese and Derek Cianfrance.
Q. What do you like about the piece you submitted?
The setting. I feel like there’s more to tell in that ‘world’, so to speak.
Q. How do you feel about having your work produced?
I’m humbled.
David Edem Dotse is a recent graduate of Ashesi University. In addition to writing, Edem is a talented musician. Check out his blog and music at the links below: